Use "psyche|psyched|psyches|psyching" in a sentence

1. Not just his psyche, but the human psyche throughout time.

2. I psyched it all out by myself and decided.

3. Her arrogant behaviour on court psyched her opponent completely.

4. I'm psyched for this movie, man.

5. Are you psyched to fight fake crime with your robot sidekick?

6. 13 They were growling and yelling behind me, psyched for battle.

7. The coach psyched the team before the game.

8. Eros and Psyche is in pigskin.

9. What, do you think Becca's gonna be psyched that you brought lube?

10. Politics runs deep inside Bangladeshi psyche

11. It is a pity we so deform plastic minds and so cripple young psyches.

12. Psyche Bedevils Health Effort By Gerald F

13. He portrays the psyche as poly-centric.

14. Fortunately, we're more alive to the dangers inherent in the bruising of delicate psyches.

15. Psyche, from the regions which Are holy land!

16. Get her a psyche referral, pack her bags.

17. With that, the psyche-scarring and horrendous depression came.

18. Psyche cried out that she would never do so.

19. Her work touches something profound in the human psyche.

20. Like, all these tweens are so totally psyched they caught a bad guy.

21. 18 Is aggression an essential part of the human psyche?

22. In the 1930s, Freud told us all that you could analyze people's psyches based on their doodles.

23. Is aggression an essential part of the human psyche?

24. Strung together to keep that fragile psyche of yours intact.

25. Psyche, aghast, felt terror flooding her heart instead of love.

26. And that third idea, that we will never have to be alone, is central to changing our psyches.

27. His exploration of the myth brings insight into the American psyche.

28. He has comforted the national psyche without involving big new bureaucracies.

29. The Horn and Hardart Automat is part of the American psyche

30. She spent her life plumbing the mysteries of the human psyche.

31. A trip you've been psyched about may fall through, so have back - up plans ready.

32. Aristotle insisted that the body and the psyche form a unity

33. I've pursued him down the disappearing paths of my own psyche.

34. First, you must expand your psyche to accommodate the bigger and better.

35. What quirk of the feminine psyche had been responsible for that decision?

36. A characteristic of the feminine psyche is to seek approval from others.

37. A guilt complex is a disturbance of the psyche, a neurosis.

38. Psychologists try to plumb the deepest mysteries of the human psyche.

39. Being asas she was, Psyche straightened up the messy place of worship.

40. Inversely, the Animus pertains to the male dimension within the female unconscious psyche

41. Cupid was healed of his wound by now and longing for Psyche.

42. One man said that evangelism is simply “not part of the Catholic psyche.”

43. Those three momentous days still play a powerful role in the national psyche.

44. It tunes into an individual psyche and adapts to mimic his mental state.

45. Psyche, ubi mariti verba audit, valde tristis est, sed oscula mariti Consolationem ei ferunt

46. According to Jung, "myth-forming structural elements must be present in the unconscious psyche".

47. The Ardors is an unsettling book that travels deeply into the human psyche

48. They came from Williams' dysfunctional family, his tortured psyche and his repressed homosexuality.

49. Those three momentous days still play a powerful role in the national psyche.

50. The closure of this pit has left an open wound in their collective psyche.

51. Bagworm moth cocoon, probably Psyche casta, at the Donnelly Preserve in South Windsor, Connecticut

52. That was the worst task yet, as Psyche saw when she approached the waterfall.

53. In the psyche, as we know, such opposites as true and false coexist very well.

54. So each pygmy has its own behavior, psyche, mood swings, personalities and so on.

55. In terms of the psyche, the color Blue is known to impact the mind positively

56. Amritsar holds a very special place in the collective psyche of India and its natives

57. She knew, at some deep level of her psyche, that what she was doing was wrong.

58. The protagonist makes efforts to salvage his crumbling psyche by identifying with the languages of authority.

59. On the high hilltop in the darkness Psyche sat, waiting for she knew not what terror.

60. While this may be true, we should remember the fragility and plasticity of the human psyche.

61. Such monuments, verbal and physical, are lighthouses for our psyche, navigational aids for our talking and thinking.

62. What a man experiences in the privacy of his psyche must of necessity remain inviolate and inviolable.

63. And Ariadne herself personifies the passively courageous, endlessly resourceful, and lovingly restorative element in every psyche.

64. Upon a wilderness of ocean the human psyche makes a reckoning with its own essential loneliness.

65. And for the bruised and cantankerous American psyche, it could not come at a worse time.

66. 14 And Ariadne herself personifies the passively courageous, endlessly resourceful, and lovingly restorative element in every psyche.

67. The fact that dude never got an Academy Award... says something very deep about the American psyche.

68. 15 While this may be true,( we should remember the fragility and plasticity of the human psyche.

69. Foods to boost your physique, your intelligence or your psyche are already taking advantage of this legal loophole.

70. Substance, Form, and Psyche: An Aristotelean Metaphysics Reissue Edition by Montgomery Furth (Author) › Visit Amazon's Montgomery Furth Page

71. On the high hilltop in the darkness Psyche sat[], waiting for she knew not what terror.

72. Set to a spirited score, Busk has been described as watching the physical unfurling of the human psyche

73. Sometimes he gives no loss, so the monkeys are really psyched, but sometimes he actually gives a big loss, taking away two to give the monkeys only one.

74. But when one begins to consciously organize knowledge and shape it into practical patterns, the psyche divides against itself.

75. “Bob Beare is a Visionary with an uncommon understanding of the depth and complexity of the human psyche,

76. We delve deeply into the psyche for memories of past experience and sensation to judge any work of art.

77. Cupid is a central character, however, in only the traditional tale of Cupid and Psyche, as told by Apuleius.

78. We certainly need to continue our investigations; to advance ideas; to plumb the mysterious depths of the human psyche.

79. Psyche is massive enough that its gravitational perturbations on other asteroids can be observed, which enables a mass measurement.

80. 20 Foods to boost your physique,[] your intelligence or your psyche are already taking advantage of this legal loophole.